Boomers Forever Club - Rossmoor - Walnut Creek CA
Boomers fun does not happen on its own. Every event needs volunteers to set-up, greet attendees, break down, and more. Volunteering is also one of the best ways to get to know more Boomers a little better, working side by side. Look for email announcements at this site prior to each big event for opportunities to participate and support the club.
Current Volunteer Opportunities:
Schmooze Hosts - At monthly schmoozes, show up a few minutes early to greet attendees, paying special attention to anyone who is new or nearly new to Boomers. We want people to feel welcomed. Be willing to volunteer for 2-3 schmoozes each year. Need 2 for each schmooze. Won't you help newbies join the fun?
To volunteer or get more information, contact us at